"OF COURSE I had no insurance at the time". That is the excuse you can use BUT IT DOES NOT HOLD any water. For insurance companies have a desk at Most if not all ALL NEW CAR DEALERSHIPS. (and at many used lots). You buy insurance right there and you drive away insured. If you want to change to another insurer you drive to that insurer on another day and show them your insurance and say you want to transfer over to their insurance company. They do the paperwork WHILE YOU SIT IN THEIR OFFICE AND YOU LEAVE with a new policy which is immediately enforced onto your car. That is how it works.
So, from the accident story - you made a Left hand turn when it was unsafe to do so. So your fault. Who is "suppose to stop and who ACTUALLY DOES STOP is 2 different things.
The car that came through the intersection may have still seen yellow and tried to jump that(we are talking half a second) OR his brakes did not work or he was daydreaming thinking Red is a pretty color for the Xmas tree.
. Whatever, he came through and you turned when it was unsafe to do so.
. The fact you don't have insurance just COMPOUNDS THE ISSUE. It is more your fault, for you should not even be driving on the road because YOU HAVE NO RIGHT. because having insurance is paying your dues to drive on the road.
It still would have been your fault, even with insurance. Read you "Driver Training Manual AGAIN" and you will see it is "written there". They go by the written word in court over heresay.
Well, in 4 months I assume you got insurance for your car.
Bumpers are fixable, Airbags are replaceable. You are still alive so it was not that bad of an accident.
I have been in worse.
Try asking your now insurance company about this. Maybe they will go to bat for you. Try not to point out that you did not have any insurance...and maybe you get a newbie insurance agent who misses that point.
. But he knows how insurance works...and the rules they have.
Hell, you can only hope they don't ask you that exact Yes or No question. Did you have insurance? Maybe they will assume that you were always insured...and go from there.
You are not committing fraud. You told them the basics and left out some of the "details" as that relies on a perfect memory.
Basically "you got hit by them who ran a red light. Keep it short & sweet." See where that takes you.
Don't mention the switching at the time if they don't ask.
Forgetting is not a crime.
But, if the insurance guy is up on his Driving laws and rules, he will know you made a turn when it was unsafe to do so. Meaning your fault (insured or not insured)
So you still don't win.
But you can just TRY. Maybe you get Lucky.