Get all the stuff corrected and tell the judge the circumstances.
Request reduction, or dismissing some of it since you just spent all that immediately to correct the issues.
Having the kind of attorney that does these alot can get you the best advice about the court you must attend, or your attorney can try to get the judge to minimize what stays on your record.
Next time, you must be closer to your house to make the exchange.
Or leave it parked with a note while you go get the plate and registration.
It used to be you could have your ride there follow you home.
But enhancing revenue is big business.
And your friend is to busy on his cell phone talking some idiocy about nothing to pay that much attention, right?
You could still have to pay the court, even if you get it dropped.
Be sure you take care of that amount immediately as well.
You can request some time to get things paid, but pay asap.
Enjoy your used car that probably should be getting inspected by your favorite technician before purchase.
Your attorney can decide if the seller was wrong transporting an unlicensed or non plated car on a towtruck without a trip permit for the axle running on the road. Then selling it to a person and not fully explaining he just set you up to get ticketed. He could have met you at the licensing office, but you and he decided upon the place.
If you tangle with the cops, you have to be carrying a blonde in the car or remain silent. blow ups dont count. That's why I'm getting a marilyn chambers wig and some lipstick. hahaha
We all live and learn.