This was my first accident, i was hit from behind. The officer never took a statement from me and proceeded to write a report based on what the other driver said. The guy who hit me had no insurance and a suspended license. I asked the officer what I should do while at the scene and I was told to just leave. When I got the accident report it says I was at fault and the statement he wrote makes no sense....saying "i was speeding and cut him off causing him to rear end me".....when in reality i was turning into a gas station and he wasn't paying attention and slammed into me.... I have liability only insurance and he has none, I have tried to speak with the officer who wrote the false report but have gotten nowhere...I am having a hell of a time trying to figure out how to fix the damages to my vehicle which totals to 3,055 $.. I don't have the money to fix the car nor 2000 up front for a lawyer.......Any advice out there will be much appreciated. thank you