Since nobody else answered your question, I will
Q. Bodily Injury Liability: $50,000/$100,000
A. This means your policy would pay up to $50K for any one injured person. The most the policy will pay is $100K per Occurance.
So lets say you are in a horrible car accident and 1 person has medical bills for over $400K(Remember just an example) the most your policy would pay for that one person is $50K. If there were 3 people injured the most the policy would pay(combined for all people) is $100K
Q. Property Damage Liability: $25,000
A. Your policy will pay up to $25000 for damages you cause to someone elses propert.
Q.Underinsured Motorist: $50,000/$100,000
A. If YOU/Your Passengers are injured in an accident and the at fault person does NOT have enough coverage on their policy, you policy will pay for YOUR/Your Passengers remaning medical bills.
They will pay up to $50 K per person and $100K per accident (just like the BI)
Q.Underinsured Motorist Property Damage: $25,000
A. If YOU are in an accident and the at fault person does not have enough coverage on their property damage policy, your insurance company will pay the remainder up to $25K.
Example, you own a lexus and its worth $15K (Example only). Its totalled. The other person only carries $10K in Property Damage Liability. His insurance pays you the limit of $10K and then your insurance will pay the extra $5K.
Get it? I hope so.
Its always better for yourself to carry more than the state minimum requires. That way you cannot be sued and someone take away your home and whatever else you own bc you wanted to pay for cheap insurance.