Today I was given a citation today for a collision with a cyclist. I was driving to school and i passed her already and I thought she was far away, and then i began to go downhill and I was turning right and she appeared, however I'm not sure I hit her, because she only had a couple marks but no big injuries and her front bike wheel only was out of place. And when the collision happen she went forward and fell she didn't roll on top of my car or anything. However I was kinda nervous already and told the cop that it was my fault and i felt bad she cussed me out, but i have doubts in my mind that I hit her and for her to have little injuries, I feel if i did that she would of been in major pain. But i do feel it was my fault for not yielding as well. I've never gone to court but what should i plead or say? I'm a junior in high school